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What Daniel Chavez Moran is Doing for Latin America

By William M. Lloyd

There are plenty of amazing things that humanitarians can do. Aside from poor politics, there are other things that add to the shakiness of the world. Right now, different threats are being encountered by developing countries including Mexico.

Even if it is right beside the USA, there are plenty of basic things that Mexican governing bodies cannot provide to the locals. There is extreme poverty in the country, and a majority of Mexicans lack access to good nutrition, education, health care, social security, food, household, and job opportunities. When it comes to poverty, millions of Mexicans suffer from this ordeal.

Millions of locals do not have jobs while others were considered as underemployed. On the boob tube, you can easily see other people making fun of the efforts made by Mexicans to cross the US border. What you have on the screen is something that really happens.

Perhaps it's the proximity to the U.S. that's a problem. Many expert economists believe that it is definitely a contributing factor to poverty in Mexico since the country tends to overly depend on foreign trade and commerce. In Mexico, the economic turmoil will persist unless government officials start acting properly.

If you ask a couple of Mexicans about their leaders, they will say that these people do not care. It is a good thing that one Mexican is trying to change things in his country focusing on improving the quality of life of his fellowmen. This man is Daniel Chavez Moran, a successful businessman-turned-philanthropist.

Several land developments have been handled by Grupo Vidanta which Daniel Chavez Moran owns. And these are not just any hotels, but some of the most luxurious ones in the country in some of the most beautiful locations all over Mexico. Aside from the Grand Bliss, the same company also runs the Grand Mayan Hotel.

They also have amazing golf courses. They hired Jack Nicklaus to help them design their champion courses. The company has courses in Acapulco and other areas.

Fresh out of college, Daniel Chavez Moran established Grupo Vidanta in 1974. After working for thirty years on a number of development projects, he decided to take a breather and focus on humanitarian acts instead. The Grupo Vidanta Foundation became his avenue to help those in his country of Mexico and now they are focusing on helping people from other Latin American nations.

The goal of the charity is straightforward. They are mainly concerned with national policies as improving these can lead to positive changes in the way of life in Latin America. The resorts owned and operated by Grupo Vidanta actually fund the organization since it is a non-profit group.

Daniel Chavez Moran also founded Fundacion Delia Moran, which reaches out to children in need. Mr. Chavez, the philanthropist, may still not solve all of Mexico's woes. Although not all parts of Latin America can be serviced by his charity, a lot of good work continues to come out of the Grupo Vidanta Foundation.

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