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Fertility through weight loss

By Mike Cherib

If you have been struggling for a while to get pregnant then you are not alone, according to RESOLVE, a national infertility association, as many as one in 10 Americans have experienced infertility in the last 5 years. What has caused the recent increase in the number of infertility patients is not completely understood, the good news is that research is on going to help solve the puzzle of infertility.

Recent research suggests contributing factors which may include poor nutrition, fast foods being a major culprit; according to a study funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, adults who eat frequently at fast-food restaurants gain more weight and have a greater increase in insulin resistance starting earlier in adult hood, and every year, those who eat fast food more than twice a week gain, on average an extra ten pounds and have a greater risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Yoga used to be thought of as fancy gym move just for women however not so any longer. The Nurses Health Study showed a correlation between both men and women with good exercise habits, and "down time" - yoga, with higher fertility rates than those of stressed out couples. According to Yu and Wei, "Yoga is a good balance of physical movement, breathing, and relaxation; it settles the body down and helps activate ovulation, enhance implantation and encourage discharge and detoxifications during the menstrual phase".

It's better for your health if you lose weight before becoming pregnant. If you are overweight while you are trying to conceive it may affect how fertile you are. Should you be overweight when you are pregnant it will increase your risk of developing digestional diabetes.

By choosing to consciously be aware of the foods you eat you will become more aware of how your body feels and want to take further steps to ensure you are eating healthier. Some people thrive on fruits, and feel incredible by the energy they provide. Many have not learned how to incorporate vegetables into there diet, yet when then do they actually feel more alert, and certain vegetable actually help calm digestive systems. If you have a healthy relationship with food, it will have a healthy relationship with you- more energy, natural weight loss and even an easier time conceiving a child.

Everyone is different, sometimes trying something new is just what the body needs, especially if you have been trying to get pregnant because when you are in that process and can't it seems to be that is all your mind focuses on. So be your own guinea pig, try out new foods, exercises, and mental stimulation such as mind games, a musical instrument, painting, or simply write your story.

There are many, many books on dieting , please stay away from these, if you are trying to lose weight please visit your doctor and follow his/her recommendations. Diet trends will come and go and habits created from these trends are hard to stick with. Losing weight is typically a slow process, but a healthy one, creating lifestyle changes that are not only good for you now but will carry on long into your senior years. Remember if you attempting to get pregnant now is more important than ever to begin making healthy changes, and shifting your conscious to a more healthier you.

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