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Horoscopes for the week of January 22, 2012

By Jeanne Alkire

What the stars have to say for this week!

On Jan. 22, the mighty sun will enter the sun sign of Aquarius. This is also the start of the Chinese New Year and the year of the Dragon. This summer promises to be stormy indeed. If you are starting new endeavors, be sure to cross your T's and dot your I's so that you do not have to re-visit your efforts later on. Being forewarned is being forearmed.

Aries: Health concerns should not be ignored this week. This is a powerful time to establish healthy habits concerning diet and exercise. Don't believe everything you hear. Do your own research. You are likely to find the most support for positive change if you join a group of friends with the same intention.

Taurus - This week it is time to enjoy the simple things in life. Get re-connected to nature. This will help keep you in balance. Any tiffs with people should not unbalance your own beliefs. Use your good work ethics and determination as they will later pay off in spades.

Gemini - You might feel as though you have to make a decision about an important matter. Think things through and friends will support you in your decisions. Try not to act in haste before thinking things through.

Cancer - There may be choices you feel you need to make because of disquieting situations this week. Stop before you act as the energy of this week is supporting you. Be patient as things might not be going at your fast pace; keep your composure.

Leo - Think about what you really value and is important to you. If you feel you have been trying to please others, it is now time to follow your own dreams. What is it that you are passionate about? Talking things over with a trusted friend will help.

Virgo - You could easily make mistakes this week if you do not think before acting. Believe in yourself and your own heart. Sharing your skills will go a long way and could attract opportunity. You don't have to compare yourself to others to feel better.

Libra - This is the time to get out there and socialize as you will be the life of the party. Romance is on the horizon if you play your cards right. Do not try to 'control' this week. Going with the flow will work to your strong suit.

Scorpio - Try not to push your luck this week as your energy cycle is lower than usual. There is an underlying energy that supports your love-life. Helping small children realize there potential will highlight your week.

Sagittarius: You have a powerful opportunity this week to change your habits with an eye to making your life more stable and secure. This is no time to ignore health issues. Be realistic about anything that is troubling you. There is some risk you will lie to yourself, or exaggerate with others.

Capricorn: Have the courage to surrender stubborn ways of thinking that are no longer serving you. Friends and groups who share your interests will be sources of support and assistance. Have the humility to ask for help where it is needed. Be open to setting realistic but more limited goals.

Aquarius - This week, Uranus, ruling planet of Aquarius enters its own sign. Now is the time to plan your long-term desires and get them in motion. It might be better to bite your tongue and make peace with family members. You'll be glad you did.

Pisces: The energy this week is supportive and positive. You are likely to see other people's attitudes soften and become more hopeful. Some situations that may start off in a negative way are likely to hold the seeds of something much better. Follow your natural curiosity. It's a great time for adventures close to home.

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