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A Marriage Made In Heaven!

By Dwight Keller

Famine in Bethlehem-Judah caused a man by the name of Elimilech to leave his home there, with his spouse Naomi and their two boys, Mahlon and Chilion and head for the distant land of Moab, where the faith, language and culture would be completely different. Initially they intended to stay there for just a short time till things improved in their homeland but in process of time they settled down and started to enjoy life in Moab. Their sons married Moabitish other halves, Ruth and Orpah and all thoughts of returning to the land of Israel disappeared. Then things started to go screwy; Elimilech died and just after that, both Mahlon and Chilion died and all too soon , there were 3 forsaken widows resident in Moab.

Life was tough and Naomi started thinking of home and the good pals she had there and so she determined to return to the land she had left years before. When she discussed her scheme to her daughters in law they made a decision to go back with her. Naomi tried to dissuade them from accompanying her as she knew that life would be so different in Israel. They refused to leave her. The day for leaving came and all 3 started the journey to Bethlehem-Judah but as they went on the way, Orpah thought that perhaps she should go back to her people and relations and therefore after shedding many tears, she said farewell to Naomi and Ruth. Naomi suggested that Ruth too should really go back but she could not persuade her as Ruth was steadfastly minded to accompany her ma in law and remain with her, until death would separate them.

Shortly after arriving in the old home country, Ruth realised she had a responsibility to seek work to make provision for her mother in law and so she sought work gleaning in one of the many fields of waving grain, at the time of crop. It so occurred that she arrived in the area of a buddy of Naomi?s, a rich and respected man named Boaz. The manager was queried by Boaz as to who the rather engaging young woman was who was gleaning in his field and he reported all that he knew to Boaz. Boaz then went himself to Ruth, introduced himself, welcomed her and inspired her to make herself at home there. What a support to young Ruth who have felt rather peculiar in these circumstances.

After her first day of toil there, she rushed home to tell Naomi of her good fortune and to display all she had been given by Boaz. Naomi was greatly interested by the events of the day and thought that maybe Boaz would be the very partner she had been looking for for Ruth, though he was much older than she.

As the weeks went past their relationship developed and their mutual love grew and ultimately they agreed to marry. After some time they had their first kid, a boy whom they named Obed. What happiness that brought to Naomi who volunteered to look after her grandchild and her years of unhappiness in Moab were shortly forgotten. It is fascinating to remember that Obed became the granddad of one of the most renowned kings of Israel, David, the sweet psalmist of Israel.

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