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Things Everyone Really Should Be Aware Of When Applying Ultra Dark Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Many people do wish for a deep, golden tan. The popularity of looking as if one has spent hours lounging in the sun has never quite left us, even though we all know how bad it can be for our skin. This is exactly where Ultra Dark lotion becomes quite important. This product is able to produce a deep tan within about three hours of using it. Here is what you should really expect from it.

This self tanning product can be easily applied by simply spreading an even layer of it all over your body, focusing on the parts you want to be tanned. The one thing you must remember to do when done spreading it is to wash your palms. The palms tend to darken more easily because they are in contact with the active ingredients all the time.

One tip that is highly recommended by many customers is to use a pair of gloves when applying the lotion. Use the gloves when you cover your face and body evenly. Then, discard the gloves to cover your hands. Finally, wash your palms to remove any residue remaining.

One of the most useful application tips includes using small dabs of this lotion at a time. Add even sized dabs wherever you want to add color, and then spread the dabs with light circular strokes. Fingertips are very helpful to keep the strokes even and avoid overlaps. Take the time to spread each dab slowly. An average length of time to complete this process could be one hour. Plan your time accordingly.

You may also appreciate the moisturizers and sun block ingredients that are blending into the formula. These are there to help your skin retain moisture and add that extra measure of protection from the sun. You will want to continue a routine that helps you block as much of the harmful UV rays from sunshine as possible. This is helpful to all types and colors of skins, whether very fair or ranging into the medium tones.

The most often comment used to describe the popular product results is that it produces a natural look. Another frequent compliment is that it does not cause skin irritation. The product is made from a natural ingredient base that helps to keep applications more comfortable.

The product can seem a bit pricey. Some users have commented on tanning blog posts that the cost was one of their first concerns. However, after using the tanning lotion, they felt that the results were so natural looking that the price was very reasonable.

Many customers who tried Ultra Dark lotion for the first time were pleasantly surprised that it has a pleasant smell. After years of self tanning, their experiences included many less than fragrant creams and oils. Finding that their tans were good looking and their skin smelled good was a double plus for them. For many, the combination of rich color and pleasant texture was just what they were looking for when trying an alternative to tanning beds and other therapies. If you are interested in an alternative to traditional UV tanning salons, then you might consider giving this lotion a try.

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