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Are Astral Project Experiences Universal?

By Sonny K. Irimata

An astral plane describes an alternative plane of existence, a different world of consciousness separated from that of the physical body. Propagated by early religions and other esoteric philosophers, the term astral projection entails your conscious self travelling forth from your physical body to an alternative astral plane.

Many individuals today are devoting a huge amount of effort in mastering astral projection. This is due to the fact that the experience of leaving your own physical body and viewing it from a distance is an experience of a lifetime. Moreover, your subtle state of consciousness, your aura, or your spirit self, transcends the physical cosmos and moves easily to a greater plane moving away from the body to any place desired, seeing the world at a distance. For this reason, exceling in astral projection is a very desired task amidst the esoteric followers.

In learning about astral projection, the main thing is asserting to your subconscious mind that you will definitely be able to do it. If your subconscious is uncertain and you have even the slightest doubt, then astral travel will be very hard for you. Complete faith achieves practically anything and for this reason the very best technique is to take a note of a few of your views referring to life and reality then write down and repeat to yourself about the eternally free, omnipotent nature of your spirit, which can travel to alternative astral dimensions.

The second and vitally essential part in being successful at astral projection is learning about meditation techniques. With increased meditation, you will certainly be even more aware of your inner self, be able to control your subconscious and channel all your attention and energy into your object of desire therefore developing a heightened power of concentration and visualization which are needed for learning astral projection.

The 3rd thing to note in becoming good at astral projection is the time that you will attempt it. Just about all astral projection that takes place is in relation with rest, particularly REM and lucid dreaming phases. When you are sleeping you have 4 phases of sleep increasing deeper in each one. After the fourth stage the cycle reverses till it reaches the REM stage which is composed of Rapid eye Motion and extreme brain activity. This is the time when people have a great deal of dreams and the ideal time to experience astral projection.

Now that you are mentally ready for astral travel, rest in a dimly lit or candle lit area preferably in light clothes. Bear in mind that no electrical equipment should be turned on to distract you and abstain from having excessive food, specifically products like non-vegetarian or caffeine. Try to mimic the REM rest method, let your body rest, but keep your mind awake and focused. Start with meditating and being aware of yourself and the energy circulating in you. Channel this energy into a vision of you moving up from your body or you can even picture a cord and yourself climbing up by it.

A vital thing to remember in attempting astral projection is that if one has also the least of apprehensions relating to whether you'll have the ability to return to the body then you will certainly not have the ability to leave anyway. Furthermore, after you in fact leave your body and start to go forward remember not to panic or be nervous while moving away a lot more since then you will be quickly drawn back into your body very quickly.

You could even use technological innovations in mastering astral projection, utilizing Binaural Beats, which are different soundwaves played through each ear to synchronize brainwaves. This produces the mental condition required for astral projection. Mastering astral projection could be said to be the most satisfying means to truly understand the complete capacity of yourself beyond the illusionary physical reality.

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