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Workouts For Women That Work

By Kim Sasao

There are roughly a zillion theories out there on which workouts are best for women, males and even children. Without launching into too much of a basic review of how exercise works, think about it in terms of an adaptive response to a specific input of stress.

Adaptive specific training refers to training for a certain goal, whether it be to run faster, lift more weights or just be healthier in general. If you don't include the stimulus of pushing your body beyond what it's done in the past, your body simply has no reason to adapt at all.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic

Pretty much everyone knows that there are two main types of exercise and that these boil down to aerobic and anaerobic. We're all aware that aerobic exercise is designed to get your body moving at a challenging rate to improve cardiovascular endurance and ultimately encourage your body to adapt to the stress your workout has provided|Most people know that the goal

of aerobics is to raise your heartbeat and get your blood to process oxygen more efficiently- in this case it's often down to running or other repetitive motions, such as on a treadmill.

Conversely, anaerobic exercise is geared toward building the level of muscular mass in the body. Can we agree that bench pressing won't make you a better distance runner? And decathlon training won't help you push that barbell one more time. Make sense?

Workouts for women should train you in a way which challenges your body to adjust to the particular stress. Adaptive specific workouts in their most basic essence.

Which one should you select for fat burning? By using aerobic or anaerobic exercises? The answer is an eclectic mix and a personal choice in many ways.

you'll definitely shed some weight from running- you really need to get some decent shoes to do this and, if you prefer privacy, you can run indoors on an exercise mat with one of the Nintendo Wii fitness games. It's also plenty easier on your knees since you're not running on concrete.

Weight resistance exercise has it's place in fat burning too

Muscle is advantageous to someone who want to lose fat because it will hijack calories headed toward the ol' rear end. Now, don't panic and worry about looking like an amazon- you, as a woman, aren't imbued with the genetic endowment, mainly in reference to testosterone prevalence in the bloodstream of the average woman.

You're won't turn into Lou Ferrigno overnight, so don't worry about that. There are many benefits to using anaerobic exercise to build muscle and burn fat during workouts for women. Basically, this is a good idea because the sooner you establish a regimen of weight resistence exercises the more you put off the effects of Osteoporosis, which unfortunately rears it's ugly head early in many women's lives.

You'll be stronger, but you won't be going down to Muscle Beach to kick sand in anyone's face, I assure you.

After adding some muscle onto your frame, that muscle is going to need to be provided with energy- these calories feed the muscle and never have a chance to contribute to the old saddle bag look! That, fellow ladies, is a win- win!

You need to try and incorporate both types of training into your routine.

Keep this in mind: don't overtrain

Once you've broken those muscle fibers down, they need time to heal so be sure to give them time to recover. You can build muscle once or twice a week with no problem and add cardio workouts in between.

If you're up to it, running is a great way to burn fat- if your knees are an issue consider a program like the Bulletproof Knees routine. If it's the only way to fit in some training, walk briskly following lunch (and will encourage you to eat less since nobody wants to walk around with a full tummy).

In a nutshell, your aim should be to combine both types of training into your training plan.

If you're pressed for time, you can always just do what I do regularly:

Do as much dusting as you can in 10 minutes, vacuum gently for 10 more minutes, with gentle back and forth strokes to prevent any kind of injury. Repeat the next day if you still have anything left to clean (if you're like me, this may be quite a workout).

Magazine articles always talk about how many calories one can burn with a given cleaning activity, but you'll never really know until you get moving and doing it and see the results for yourself!

if you were really serious about it, you might give it a try right now!

Of course, it goes without saying that you always need to check with your doctor before you engage in any kind of a new routine. My recommendation is that you find a popular web site and see what they can offer in workouts for women that will give you the results you're seeking.

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