On the path home from my job this evening the car begun producing a horrible noise when I would turn the wheel. It certainly didn't sound good at all so I pulled over to look under the hood. What I discovered was quite discouraging. My power steering fluid was leaking and I hardly boasted enough cash to add fuel in the tank let alone fix my power steering. Sadly incidences such as this come about often in my life until I at last became aware of the great Pat Maser. With his help solved my financial woes and am now on a path to stability and happiness.
Starting at an earlier age my life was heading for the toilets. It all got going in the second grade. I had a diorama to complete and hand in representing the lifestyle in colonial America. I'll never not remember being seven years old and putting it off until the evening it was due. Subsequently I rushed at the last minute to throw something together but it was a complete slop job. This single even set the course for the rest of my life.
Years; later old practices were dying hard. This time it was in higher education. Barely graduating high school I would always put everything off until the very last day and perform a mediocre job at best. Finishing college papers and reports I had the same work mentality. By the time I had an actual job I was constantly one of the least dependable people on the clock.
Never making enough money directly because of my work ethic I needed to find a way to be my own boss and set my own hours so I can judge how much money I'll make. After learning about Patrick Maser and his concept of directly selling telecommunication services to subscribers I saw the benefits of earning money each time any of the services are in use. Though it may not be for everyone it was certainly the break I needed to get my life together.
Finally I was able to be my own boss and set my own hours. No longer did my work ethic set me back in terms of economic security. Pat Maser is a smart man and his intelligence is illustrated through his ideas and entrepreneurial spirit.
Starting at an earlier age my life was heading for the toilets. It all got going in the second grade. I had a diorama to complete and hand in representing the lifestyle in colonial America. I'll never not remember being seven years old and putting it off until the evening it was due. Subsequently I rushed at the last minute to throw something together but it was a complete slop job. This single even set the course for the rest of my life.
Years; later old practices were dying hard. This time it was in higher education. Barely graduating high school I would always put everything off until the very last day and perform a mediocre job at best. Finishing college papers and reports I had the same work mentality. By the time I had an actual job I was constantly one of the least dependable people on the clock.
Never making enough money directly because of my work ethic I needed to find a way to be my own boss and set my own hours so I can judge how much money I'll make. After learning about Patrick Maser and his concept of directly selling telecommunication services to subscribers I saw the benefits of earning money each time any of the services are in use. Though it may not be for everyone it was certainly the break I needed to get my life together.
Finally I was able to be my own boss and set my own hours. No longer did my work ethic set me back in terms of economic security. Pat Maser is a smart man and his intelligence is illustrated through his ideas and entrepreneurial spirit.
About the Author:
Click here to read more about Patrick Maser, or you can visit here to find out additional information about the author.. Free reprint available from: Me, Myself and Pat Maser.
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